Friday 5 September 2014


I've found this picture in one of the many comments that some people made as a response to another picture that was uploaded on a Facebook page called "La Bioguía". Retrieved from:

I've always thought that the process of evolution implies the improvement of humankind in many aspects, not only from the biological point of view but also in relation to the way in which human beings behave. But apparently, I'm wrong. If we read a newspaper, watch the TV news or just pay attention to the climate changes, it can be clearly seen how bad our actions have affected our world, mainly in terms of ecology. 

It's common to hear people talking about "how crazy the climate conditions are", as if these were something independent from the actions of human beings. 

What is more, when severe natural disasters take place, blame for their causes are placed on International Industries and the Government, by most people. I'm not saying that those industries and governments have no responsibility as regards taking care of the environment, of course they do; but common people are also responsible for it. All of us, as citizens of the world, have the duty to take care of it; and it's not such a difficult task. 

It's incredible to see many people behaving as if we had another world to live in: regardless of the consequences, we just throw rubbish on the street and beaches, waste a lot of water in taking very long showers, and consume high amounts of energy even if we don't need to. 

In my opinion, we should be aware of the negative consequences our lifestyle has on the environment, so as to try to change something and contribute to protect it. As a simple example, instead of using the common light bulbs, we can change them for the energy-efficient light bulbs, which lower the levels of energy consumption. 

In relation to this, an important concept to take into account is the "RRR" (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle). As regards "Reuse", we should think of those objects that can be used over and over again, such as glass bottles, and wood boxes. Besides, the consumption of certain products, for instance plastic bags, could be "Reduced" if we change them for bags made of fabric; at the same time, we would be reusing them many times. And other products, such as plastic bottles, can be reused or even "Recycled", if we change them into a new object. As I said before, although it requires some effort on our part, it's not something difficult to do and the benefits will be great for everybody.

In this sense, we'll be not only improving our natural world, but we'll be also EVOLVING into better human beings. 


  1. I totally agree with what you say Dani. Actually I try to apply some tips that you say, such as reusing and recycling. I have even made a handmade basket with old newspapers and it is really useful. The point is that, as you say, it is not difficult to do it and we all will benefit from it. After all, it’s up to us to fix the damage we’ve done and people need to start doing something, now!

    1. What a coincidence!!! I've also made a basket with old newspaper!! haha.. and it's very useful as well (I put some battery charger, plugs and USB plugs in there). And that's the point, that's what I meant: IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT. We can do anything that serves to contribute to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce.

  2. While reading this post I was thinking about the way in which we talk about this issue and how devastating the consequences of the negligence caused over the environment are. However, only the minorities are the ones that do something to change this reality. This issue is a very popular one nowadays and despite the fact that I strongly believe that talking about it helps to raise awareness, it is not enough. We need to act to make the change and I totally agree with the term you have used along your publication: EVOULUTION. We need to evolve and acquire a life style that helps us take care of not only the environment that surrounds us but also our inner selves.

  3. I heartily agree with your opinion. It’s moving to read such a passionate argument in favour not only of nature but also us, human beings.
    I believe most of us (if not all) do agree, in theory, on the idea that a change is needed but only few people are committed. In a world in which a person needs to work countless hours to gain what society deems acceptable, an extra effort needs to be made in order to be actively involved in the preservation of the environment. This effort is not made by many. In spite of this, there are people who find the time and enthusiasm. They resort to imagination and creativity to recycle and reuse objects that would otherwise be rubbish less than two days after being purchased. Flor is one of them, by her comment. We can follow her example and try to make this world a better place.

  4. I think it's great that all of you agree with what I've said, and I know that most people do, as well. The thing is... "Do all of us make something to contribute?" What I mean is that, in theory, all of us think in the same way, but do we act in the way we think of? I don't think so... and that's why I've wrote that all of us are responsible to do something.
    My post is not only trying to raise awareness in relation to this issue, but is also intended to make us start doing something. I only mentioned few ideas in relation to the things we could do, but there are many. There are some web pages and blogs, called DIY (Do It Yourself), where you can take some ideas from. They publish pictures and even the steps you have to follow in case you want to recycle, and they're great!!

    Here you have one as an example:

    Another important thing to mention is that there is a local ordinance, here in San Luis, which states that we should classify rubbish before throwing them away. Due to his reason, supermarkets provide with bags of 3 different colours:
    - black: dry and recyclable rubbish (such as paper, plastic, and cans)
    - green and white: organic waste.
    I think that even though it implies a change of habits, classifying rubbish is something very easy to do; and we don't need to go out from our houses.

  5. Here it is the news that I've read in relation to classifying rubbish:
