Friday 26 September 2014

A wanderlust heart

Have you ever thought of travelling around the world without worrying about time or thinking about our duties and responsibilities? Wouldn't it be great living such an experience?
But I’m not making reference to a luxurious trip in which you stay at a five-star hotel, have dinner at the most expensive restaurants and go shopping every day. What I mean is “travelling light”, taking only what is really necessary for you (such as your ID and passport, a blanket, a pair of t-shirts, underwear, and other things like that).
Of course it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s not impossible. Felix Starck, a 24 year-old German did it, and shared his experience through a series of pictures and an excellent documentary on his trip.

He, together with a friend, decided to go on a year-long voyage around the world. Felix sold almost everything he had: a car, a flat and all his possessions; except his bicycle, on which he travelled during the whole trip. Isn't it amazing?
During his long journey, Felix did 18.000 kilometres in 365 days, and visited 22 countries. According to what Felix told Spiegel, a German online magazine, what made the greatest impact on him was crossing Asia. After having seen too much misery he learnt to appreciate little things in life, and now he considers himself a much happier person.
Even though travelling around the world is a wonderful experience in itself, I think that what Felix did is much more extraordinary. Why? Not only because he was in many countries and took great delight in the astonishing landscapes, but also because he met many different people who helped him grow and enrich himself from the adventurous experience.
In my opinion, this inspiring experience should lead us to think that there is nothing impossible to do if we desire it from the bottom of our heart, and work hard to achieve it. At the end, as Felix says, “The journey is the reward”.
In addition, Felix gives some advice to those who are interested in setting out on a journey:
1. Stop making excuses. (Such as “travelling is expensive”, “it takes a lot of time”, “nobody wants to come with me”)
2. Adjust your plans to your possibilities.
3. Pick the best destination for YOU.
4. Traveling alone is not as bad as it may seem.
5. Stay positive and you'll be rewarded.
6. Plan the next trip.

I know that most of us would like to visit England, but I’d like to know if there is any other not so well-known place that you would like to be in. In my case, I always imagine myself in a place like this:

Butterflies Valley, Turkey.

You know what they say, “If you’re going to dream, dream big” =)

You can find (and read) the article on Felix's journey in
"Pedal the world" (video), retrieved from:


  1. I think it is wonderful to set a destination and start travelling. Whenever I think about travelling, what comes to my mind is to grab just the necessary items. If we take many gadgets and stuff it will prevent us from truly enjoying our surroundings. It would be like being at home but in a different place. No, I want to experience different relaities, to learn about different cultures and enjoy nature.
    I wouln't say I have a place I would like to visit the most. I want to see everything! But one of the places that catches my attention are the highlands from Scotland. They seem to be part of a magical land. But any place would be awesome.
    We just need to have courage and start planning our journey.

  2. This person is really inspiring for many of us, because traveling the world is a dream shared by many, but achieved by very few. The truth is that most don’t have the means to pack up their lives and leave work, friends and family behind while they explore the globe as this boy did. It´s admiring his determination and dedication. A great example. I loved it. (By the way, I cannot but comment, how gorgeous this boy is!!! Very good-looking! Thank you for sharing Dani  )

    1. hahaha I was sure that one of you were going to say something about how good-looking he is!! hahaha.. It's true what you say, not all of us have the chance (or courage) to leave everything behind and go out in such a journey. However, it's an inspiring experience, indeed!! And I would LOVE to do something like that!!

    2. I can't believe my eyes! Courageous Florencia talking about his good looks hahahahaha. Didn't you know that the teacher would be reading this? Hi teacher!!! haha
      So, Dani excellent blog entry. You picked "the topic" TRAVELLING!. Well, you know how deeply I desire this. It's amazing how he left everything behind and followed his dream. I have to admit that I would love to do that, but call it an excuse or not, it's sooo difficult for us in this country to do it. On the one hand I don't even own my bed! so what am I going to sell? My family's fridge?.I don't think so haha I HATE MONEY. Then, we are women I do not dare travelling on my own around the world, it could be dangerous. But well, I hope some day I'll have enough money and someone who would be willing to join me in this adventure. As you said I'd love to visit the UK. Landscapes in Ireland, Scotland and England are marvellous but I would also like to visit small towns in countries such as Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, etc I believe there are beautiful places to visit there. There are so many places to be discovered that I would like to start visiting them right now!
